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Man pleads not guilty to brawl murder after wife's death

Devin's lawyer Michael D. DeAngelo argued that the police were justified in using excessive force after watching his client get punched several times by the officers.

"What happens after that is you'll never know," DeAngelo told the judge during a recess, 바카라 explaining that the officers knew they were striking Devin when they used their taser. "They used excessive force."

Jarrett said that if Dennison were to have been unarmed he would have likely been struck.

The jury has to decide the case at a later date.

DeAngelo declined to comment on his client's demeanor at the trial.

Dennison's wife, Amber Hensley, 26, was killed by two police officers when she was in a struggle with a second officer after a disturbance on July 28, 2014. Dennison, a member of the West Philadelphia police force, was found not guilty in the murder in June 2016.

The officer charged in the case, Brian Waddell, 46, and the second officer, Andrew Ranta, 38, were placed on paid administrative leave while the case was reviewed by the city's Independent Police Review Authority.

DeAngelo is scheduled to appear in court again on Jan. 18 and the judge will begin the new trial in January 2017.

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