Contact Tracing During Coronavirus Disease Outbreak South Korea 2020

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His primary research interests include epidemiologic investigation of infectious disease outbreaks. Dr. Choe is an assistant professor at Hallym University College of Medicine. Her research focuses on infectious diseases epidemiology. We thank the Ministry of Interior and Safety, Si/Do and Si/Gun/Gu, medical staff in health centers, and medical facilities for their efforts in responding to COVID-19 outbreak. COVID-19 National Emergency Response Center.

SEOUL - South Korea reported another 115 coronavirus cases on Wednesday afternoon, bringing its total tally to 1,261, according to Korea’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. KCDC reported another 169 new coronavirus cases on Wednesday morning, including a US soldier. The health authorities readied an ambitious plan to test more than 200,000 members of a church hit hardest by the country's outbreak. The numbers are expected to rise as the government widens its testing. The US military reported its first case of the coronavirus on Wednesday, a 23-year-old soldier based in Camp Carroll, about 20 km (12.4 miles) from Daegu. The camp is also near a disability centre that has had its own outbreak of the virus.

The worsening virus situation comes at a time of political turmoil for Moon. His approval rate has been tumbling, Choo Mi Ae mostly due to public discontent with government measures aimed at stemming the rise of real estate prices and plans to create more housing in the greater Seoul area. The results of a RealMeter poll released Monday showed Moon's approval rating fell last week to 43.3%, down significantly from 59.1% in early June. The same poll also showed 36.5% of respondents identifying as supporters of the conservative opposition, more than 33.4% who said they support Moon's Democratic Party. Moon's single five-year term as president runs until 2022 and his party currently holds a strong majority in the legislature.

In Seoul and some surrounding cities, the government has reimposed second-tier social distancing rules, including restricting large gatherings, banning in-person church meetings while closing nightclubs, karaoke bars, buffets and cyber cafes. The same guidelines will be imposed on other areas across the country effective Sunday. However, in some areas with fewer infections, the guidelines would be recommended rather than obligatory. "If we don’t curb the spread (of the virus) in early stages, this will grow as a large-scale wave.

It’s the worst surge since March. Officials fear that South Korea will see a repeat of the first large outbreak - also related to a church, the Sincheonji Church of Jesus. Although South Korea has received international praise for its response to the virus, health administrators are worried about the medical system ability to respond should the outbreak take hold and grow. More than 30,000 people participated in the protests on Aug. 15, Korea’s Independence Day, to demand that President Moon Jae-In step down.

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