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Can humans take metacam? Humans take the anti-inflammatory drug meloxicam in pill form, while dogs consume it as a liquid slathered over their dinners. To prevent Fido from turning his nose up at the medicated feast, the company includes a honey flavorant that is not approved as part of the human formulation.
Can Norovirus last a week? Signs and symptoms, which usually last from 1-3 days, appear about 24-48 hours after initial infection - in some cases, the incubation period may only be 12 hours. Sometimes, the diarrhea can last longer than 3 days.
Does indigestion increase with age? As we age, our responsibilities and our stress levels can rise. Excess stress can increase gastric acid, which can cause heartburn symptoms and indigestion. Stress doesn't cause ulcers or irritable bowel disease, but it can make these digestive disorders flare.
Is Stomach Cancer Fast or slow growing? Stomach cancer is a slow - growing cancer that usually develops over a year or longer. Generally, there are no symptoms in the early stages (asymptomatic). Sometimes, the first signs or symptoms of stomach cancer occur after the cancer has spread to other areas of the body.
Is Duexis safe to take? Duexis is usually taken 3 times each day. Follow your doctor's instructions. Do not take more than your recommended dose. An ibuprofen overdose can damage your stomach or intestines.
How is chronic gastritis diagnosed? Doctors use a wide range of tests and tools to diagnose chronic gastritis, including: medical history. physical exam. stool tests to check for both H. pylori and signs of bleeding. endoscopy when a camera on a tube is put down the throat into the stomach. blood tests. X-rays. urea breath test to check for H. pylori infections.
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