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Does heat kill pinworm eggs? Pinworm eggs can live on hard surfaces and in clothes and bedding for two to three weeks. This helps remove eggs. Wash bedsheets, nightclothes, underwear, washcloths, and towels in hot water to kill pinworm eggs. Dry them on high heat.
What happens if you leave a parasite untreated? Parasitic infections are serious conditions that can have devastating effects on the body. Parasites can make normal functioning impossible and cause long-term damage to vital organs such as the heart or lungs. In many cases, if left untreated, parasitic infections are fatal.
Can ultrasound detect parasites? Parasites in bile ducts show up on ultrasound. Intestinal parasites often cause no symptoms until they move into other parts of the body. Identifying this problem can be difficult, but ultrasound was able to detect the worms in a study done in Yemen.
Will pinworms go away on their own? Pinworms can rarely migrate into the vagina or urinary tract causing irritation in these regions. Intense itching is again the prominent complaint. This location of infection is less common than the perianal region, and the infection usually goes away on its own. These infections are very rare.
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