10 Mistakes That Are A-OK To Make

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Revisión a fecha de 04:36 23 may 2020; CarltonGann686 (Discusión | contribuciones)
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Contrary to popular belief, it’s okay to make a mistake every now and again. In fact, I’d recommend it. Whether it’s a minor mix-up or serious slip, there’s nothing wrong with making a few mistakes. Yes he’ll break your heart and yes, you’ll waste far too many tears on him but you’ve gotta kiss a few frogs before you find Mr Right. We ALL did it at some point. And you know what? It’s perfectly fine! How else are you meant to find your signature make-up without a few faux-pas? It happens to the best of us. And while it ain’t pretty - and you certainly won’t thank yourself in the morning - it’s not the end of the world to have the world’s worst night out. That pixie crop you’ve seen so many A-listers rocking? The PERFECT time to try it out is when you’re feeling lost. Um not so much. But hey, it’s just hair.

And oh polly dress (click the up coming article) guess what? It grows back! Whether it’s leaving a comfortable relationship or walking out of a mediocre job, it’s not a mistake to walk away when something isn’t making you happy anymore. It might not feel like it when you’re skint and penny-pinching ‘til payday, but experiences will make you richer than saving for a rainy day. Squirrel away some money, but make sure you’re living! It’s a heart-stopping, sinking-feeling-in-your-stomach moment when something goes horribly wrong at work. If you don’t mess up, how are you supposed to learn and prevent the same mistake next time? Look back on some friendships and wish you’d never got involved? Don’t! Bad friendships help shape you, and without bad friends how can you make the best ones? Whether it’s tripping over in front of a hot guy, saying the wrong thing in a meeting, or having your skirt tucked into your pants, embarrassment happens to the best of us. And you can laugh about it later when the redness has died down. Fashion is meant to be fun, and every once in a while it’s good to make a massive fashion mistake. If nothing else so you can laugh at the photos in a few years!

Chronos is a small metal disc that transforms any timepiece into a smartwatch. Just 33 mm across and 2.5 mm thick, it adheres to the back of your watch and brings a variety of smartwatch features with it. Perfect for someone who is looking for the smartwatch experience without the gaudy looks. By now, you’ve heard about 3-D printing. Also known as additive manufacturing, this process refers to the creation of three-dimensional solid objects from digital files. The ability to print specific quantities at home or a few blocks away removes mass production and shipping from the equation, potentially making it a more environmentally-friendly type of manufacturing. Normal is a company at the forefront of 3d printing for consumers. An interesting brand selling great products that don’t necessarily cater to a tech market, their great taste suggests they’d be just as successful without 3d integration. A perfect example of what the future of direct to consumer manufacturing will look like.

Massachusetts garment and jewelry design studio Nervous System is currently pioneering what they’ve coined ‘4-D printing’ with designs that automatically change shape once removed from the printer. One can only imagine the implications that this technology might bring to other industries. Building a sense of social responsibility has become a trend among many digital fashion start-ups. While larger brands often make an effort to give back, their attempts can come across as a marketing ploy if philanthropy is not at the core of their business model. Eyewear retailer Warby Parker prioritizes social consciousness at all levels of business. By circumventing traditional channels, designing in-house, and engaging directly with customers, they’re able to offer high-quality glasses at affordable prices. On a global scale, Warby Parker tallies up the number of glasses they’ve sold each month and makes a donation to their nonprofit partners. The nonprofit organization trains men and women in developing countries to give basic eye exams and sell glasses to their communities at affordable prices.

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