My Asian Skincare Story

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더존카지노 - At number 12 we've Triethanolamine, the exact same ingredient that was thought of undesirable in Grinif O2 Bubble Mask Cleanser. Sigh. It is not hazardous. It's a pH balancer. Sorry, I don't like firms that use such questionable scare ways. See that shiny splotch on the right? The rattling factor did not want to dry. Stayed sticky and unpleasant to the contact. When it did finally dry, it left a nasty layer of filmy residue. This was not moisture.

This was "hey, let's seal the skin with this horrid sticky stuff to maintain the moisture in". Sadly, as that was not my concept of a moisturizing toner, I gave it to my good friend. I took it back however I am undecided what to do with it. Possibly I can use it on my feet. Grinif uses the word "lotion" in its western that means here. It is a gentle moisturizer, not a Japanese type lotion (which then would be a ton Okay, Okay, I have been house for per week now, but solely now, finally, I am sitting down in peace to write down something about this trip.

As a result of it was a very fruitful trip. But extra about those lovely fruits next time. At present I am simply going to say a few things that most people don't need to listen to. No, I am not going to inform you about how toxic and dangerous these terrible Korean cosmetics are. Jah, jah, jestem juz w domu od tygodnia, ale w koncu sie zebralam do kupy, zeby cos napisac o tym wypadzie. Bo wypad byl owocny. Ale o tych owocach bedzie w kolejnym wpisie. Dzis, natomiast bedzie kilka gradual, ktorych wiele ludzi nie chce uslyszec.

Nie, spoko, nie bedzie o tym, jakie to toksyczne i szkodliwe te koreanskie kosmetyki sa, LOL. Ok, ale gdzie ja bylam? Aha, w Seulu, w dzielnicy Myeongdong, ktorej ulice to jedna wielka galeria handlowa - glownie kosmetyczna. There are lots of ingredients inside HYGGEE All in one Essence. The first ingredient is the birch sap which is for hydration. Silicone, hyaluronic acid, panthenol, protein, beeswax, derivative of olive oil and glycerin that are for hydration of the skin.

Ceramide, goat milk extract, collagen, cholesterol, amino acid and adenosine for the healing of the skin. Many plant substances and niacinamide which is for calming, brightening and for hydration. The ferments are to assist with balancing the skin well being and to scale back oxidative skin harm of the skin. However, attempt to avoid ferments if you're coping with fungal acne. General, HYGGEE All in one Essence is a superb multi tasking products (hydration, brightening, exfoliating and nourishing) , love ferments, combination skin, during summer time, favor easy efficient products, no allergic with the products and gentle products.

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