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Drought help not politically motivated mp says

The premier has called the drought a "national disgrace" but he believes the Liberals, who have been in power for eight years, are only following the example of their predecessors, who took the issue with the assistance of the Ontario Conservation Authority (OCA).

The Liberal leader, Premier Kathleen Wynne, recently said Ontario is the best placed to fight the drought and that if her party wins a majority, the provincial government will look to use the OCA's $24 million to do so.

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That is something the Conservatives and New Democrats have criticized, particularly when it comes to the OCA — one of the province's biggest taxpayer-funded programs. In May, New Democrat leader Andrea Horwath told a House of Commons committee the program was being abused by the Liberals. "You have a premier who is taking taxpayer money to say, 'I'm in charge of the OCA but I'm not in charge of making sure the government's spending is justified or the money is getting spent,'" Horwath told the Standing Committee on Natural Resources.

"I am very concerned that the federal government is taking away billions of dollars from this government that's supposed to be going to the OCA," said Wynne. "The OCA is really an engine for saving the lives of Ontarians." However, the NDP says in recent months, this seems not to have been the case.

The OCA, which regulates Ontario's water systems, provides cash grants and other funding to help people affected by drought. The funds do not go into the OCA's capital account, and the Ontario legislature in January passed legislation that would limit the use of taxpayer-funded money to the OCA. However, many critics say this restriction is unnecessary.

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"I hope and I believe that the Premier wants to stay with OCA," said Horwath. "We need to make sure it's an instrument to help get people out of their homes and provide them with water and a sense of security." Horwath said as much as the OCA and 바카라 the federal government are now in charge, the Liberals have not been.

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