Thailand: World s First Bitcoin Ban

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Here's the way i interpret these events. Statists base their worldview on headlines, not on data. So for them DDoS attacks is something scary hackers do that shuts down websites of banks and government agencies. They don't actually know hat is actually also. And they think because their Statist institutions seems powerless against the onslaught of these mysterious attacks, that smoothly reason other hackers end up being powerless against it much too. Hardly! I'm sure Silk Road, like Pirate Bay and Immediate Advantage Bitcoin all the others have contingency after contingency built in their site to prevent being close down so merely.

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Silk Road had held it's place in operation since 2011, together with grown to some size of 957,000 users transacting a complete of eight.5 million Bitcoins, the equivalent more than $1 thousand. Ulbricht is alleged to watch out for more than $20,000 each from running the site.

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Because of this abuses within current system, Bitcoin has evolved a traction. That momentum is getting a manifest destiny. That destiny is that it will take its place alongside national currencies given that the real world reserve foreign.

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