Myths About Search Engine Optimisation

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Revisión a fecha de 20:46 22 jul 2020; FosterColmenero (Discusión | contribuciones)
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Almost all businesses and SEOs are somewhat aware of the myths surrounding any affordable SEO service. Still the lingering doubts of 'what if?' lead many to believe them to be true, and thus waste a lot of time, energy and sweat worrying after them. Here are some commonly believed myths about SEO packages that are absolutely untrue!

Using Flash will devalue your website.That's not true. A content rich page is always more preferable to Flashy pages, but that does not mean you cannot use it at all. Using Flash here and there to make your website more interesting and avoiding putting important content in Flash elements is just fine with the search engines. Also try to add alternative text for browsers that do not read Flash and заказать ускорение индексации сайта - navigate here - your search engine optimisation

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Submitting to search engines is the fastest way to get indexed.

Not exactly. You should submit to search engines to prompt the search spiders for faster indexation; but developing natural, organic, relevant backlinks is the best and most effective way of ranking with the search engines long term.

To hide pages from crawlers, use Robots.txt file.

It works but not 100%. Using the 'disallow' tag won't stop external incoming links to lead Google crawlers to your blocked pages. If you really don't want Google to crawl some pages, donot link them to the website or better still add a secure login password.

You should optimize each page with 3-4% keyword density.

Keyword density for optimization lost ground with search engines long ago. Search engine algorithms can easily detect any set patterns in website content. Use of keywords relevant to the content is more important. Clever use of keywords in appropriate places within the content actually helps in optimization.

Each page should be optimized for just one keyword.

Misplaces belief. Some businesses think that optimizing with just one keyword phrase will bring more focus to that keyword. But they fail to realize that natural flow of content with just one keyword phrase in the entire page is near impossible, and Google bots can tell. Instead it is better to optimize with 3-4 relevant keywords to bring more targeted search engine traffic to the page. Natural flowing content is more critical for SEO success.

Linking to authority websites pushes up your Google rankings.

If it was that easy, everyone would do it and rank at the top. If you get links from well reputed websites that boosts the image of your own website and helps visitors take you seriously. But it definitely does not give you any added advantage with the search rankings.

High page rank is same as high rankings in search results.

won't get affected in the least.

Not exactly. Page ranks are not direct parameters for your SERP ranks. High page rank means Google recognizes your quality of work and considers you as an authority in it. But you cannot really determine the actual page rank that helps your site's performance in the search results for your target keywords. A high page rank from Google is only an indicator that your site will also rank better in SERPs.

Your website must have a Sitemap. A sitemap helps Google crawl your website better. But if you have built a crawler friendly website with no broken links, there is no reason for you to worry about losing any precious rankings in its absence. It is always a good search engine optimisation practice to build a sitemap for easier navigation, but its absence alone won't harm your website.

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Regularly updating your website leads to higher rankings.Frequent posts on your site attract the Google crawlers more frequently for indexation, that could give you more visibility, but it does not increase your rankings. So don't update if not required. Crawlers like relevant updates not just any updates!

SEO your website for immediate results.This is the most widely misplaces myth about search engine optimisation. Those of you hoping to achieve overnight traffic, SEO won't do it for you. There is no sustainable quick fix to success. SEO is a long term process that requires various techniques and regular updates for long term rankings.

Guaranteed Rankings! Nothing in life is guaranteed and neither is your site ranking. Of course, quality optimization is an assurance of positive results.

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