Success Life - Attain Your Life-Goal

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Revisión a fecha de 07:42 9 sep 2020; PhillipDoolette (Discusión | contribuciones)
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I have always wanted to be a heroine. I mean, a real heroine, not just the heroine I am to Harry, my cat, who thinks I'm super woman. Romance novels allow me to drop into an alternate universe where I'm smart, sassy, forceful and the best lover he ever met. I can control the best looking hunk or the dry, intellectual, cold-hearted millionaire, who is ready to give me his millions by the end of the story, if I'll just marry him and live happily ever after.

Have you ever wondered how those authors whose novels reach the New York Times Bestsellers list get there? Do you turn slightly green with envy when you read about an author getting a million-dollar contract for his next book?

One and two in my list are connecting stories. Gift of Gold and Gift of Fire are both my favorite books from Jayne Ann Krentz. Jonas Quarrel and Verity Ames paranormal mystery and best novels a bit of history thrown in. These books have it all!

3 SECOND FOCUS TIP for Billionaire Mindset Building today. The first time today that something unexpected comes into your day, STOP. Don't react. Before your mind gets a chance to attach any negative reaction to it, STOP and say, "Hum, I wonder what POSSIBILITY this holds?" Then be still. LISTEN and grasp the FIRST creative answer comes to you. Jot it down.

Create and fully develop a setting - Setting is especially important in romance novels. Don't have the book take place in one boring dull setting. Try to incorporate the setting of your story into one that plays into the love line within the book.

There are also powerful online and offline ways in which you can make money. The goal is to be always thinking about multiple sources of income. If you do this than when one source drops you still have other income sources to fall back on. A couple of examples of ways to make money that could lead you on the path to become financial free are...

Persistence. You have to sit there, in front of your computer (just like you are doing now,) and write. And write, and write some more. You need to set minimum number of words to write every single day. Regardless. Some say five hundred words is a good number, some write many more. Once you get into the habit, the solid, everyday habit of writing, something magical happens.

Strive to define your own abundance and what it means to you! In reality, money is a form of energy that reflects how you feel about your finances. The income you attract in your life is your perception on how you feel about money and what it does for you. For example, If you feel that you do not have enough money, then you may view yourself with a life of scarcity. You never have enough to make ends meet and there is lack in your life.

And this is exactly what Bill Bartmann has accomplished. Although, a chain of events outside of his control swiftly destroyed the company he had so passionately created, the template for the business had been created for eternity. Thousands of people have benefited from his transformation of the debt collection industry and not just people who were in debt. By sharing his vision he breathed life into an entirely better way to manage the debt collection business and he achieved his vision and achieved billionaire success.

Zavechand Meghani: Zavechand Meghani was a very wellknown author.He wrote over 100 of different types of books,19 biography,4 drama books,14 novels,9 Poetry,10 Short Stories,11 Folk Songs,13 Falk Tals,13 Others.His Saurashtrani Rasdhar is very good book.

Writing a novel is hard work, but there are several advantages of writing it online and in the form of a blog. To start with it is much easier to write it in blog format because you can get ongoing comments from your readers and even generate free one-way links from them. I did both with my first blog novel and it worked out beyond my expectations. Not to mention this little known secret about the way blog novels tend to generate traffic all on their own and without any effort on your part, like you having to work keywords. More on that later.

Whenever we are in the process of doing something, like changing our behavior, going to a rendezvous, starting a project, or simply trying something new - we are using our active illusions. Once we have acquired these experiences - positive or negative - they form our body of passive illusions. You can therefore create whatever active illusion you desire - and test it. In other words, you are the producer, director, and actor of your own life. Whichever active illusion you create and put into action will be your reality, because you'll be mentally and physically living it.

Writing can be fun but receiving royalties allows you more fun. Plan to write a series and keep the readers in suspense for the next books. Trilogies are the most popular but there is nothing wrong with any number of sequels as long as the quality is retained. Every new novel will create additional income opportunities once a readership develops!

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