Drug Addiction And Alcoholism: Willpower Or A Disease Of The Brain

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Revisión a fecha de 18:50 16 sep 2020; MaiCupp588 (Discusión | contribuciones)
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In most cases, an illness such as this usually requires treatment in a drug rehab, addiction treatment center or alcohol treatment center. In addition to the above, we also recognize the systems within the brain through which drugs modify perception, mood, memory, and emotional states. Furthermore, the habitual use of drugs and alcohol changes brain structure and brain function to the extent that these changes continue to exist even after the person is well into recovery. We do not yet understand all of the actual functions, but research demonstrates that those long-lasting brain changes are responsible for the distortions of cognitive and emotional functioning that characterize addicts. In particular the compulsion to use drugs that is the essence of drug addiction. It is almost as if the drugs and alcohol have switched the brains normal circuits and rewired it self resulting in drug and alcohol use becoming the main priority for the individual.

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If a pregnant woman has drug addiction problem, the problem is more serious because it has bad effects on the unborn child as well. This article discusses the facts, ricks and treatment options. When a pregnant woman is suffering from drug addiction, the situation is more serious because the effects of drug use not only applies to her, but her fetus is facing danger as well. Its quite likely that when the child is born, it will suffer from bad health from day one. Illegal drug taking can cause many health problems for pregnant female, such as hepatitis, anemia, sexually transmitted diseases, skin, hard and blood infections etc. Because the baby gets access to those illegal drugs indirectly, its quite possible that the baby will be born with illness as well. For example, research has shown that if a mother use heroin during her pregnancy, her baby might suffer from low birth weight. If children are exposed to marijuana or cocaine, they might suffer from attention deficiency, slowness in learning and behavioral problems. When exposed to methamphetamine, babies can suffer from poor quality of movement, fetal growth restriction and decreased arousal.

Alcohol consumption has led to the breakdown of numerous families as well as friendship. Lots of marriages began well but once alcohol addiction enters into the home, it tears the home apart. Where there was formerly joy, bitterness and distress prevails. Where there was once a good relationship, hatred is on the prowl. The home and family is no longer interesting and charming. Add this to the effects on the teenagers and you discover why the home and family is no longer what it used to be. The offspring learn about the bad consequences from their mom and dad. The kids are neglected and their schooling is also affected by the alcohol consumption of either the mom or father. Alcohol abuse effects on the body are also very distressing. Alcoholics always suffer these pessimistic effects in silence. As an illustration, the liver is one of the organs that are affected. In addition, there is possibility of having cancer of the mouth as a result of consuming alcohol. Likewise, the effects on the human brain are not cheering. This is because the brain of an alcohol addict is often affected by alcohol. If you adored this short article and you would certainly such as to get more information pertaining to chapter 5 recovery kindly go to the web site. He or she will not be able to think fruitfully. This may bring about loss in productivity in the place of work which will bring about loss of job as the corporation may no longer want the service of an addict. Reading about the effects is not enough. You should ensure that you search for alcohol abuse help before things get worse. Don't wait till the situation gets worse and you lose your career, family, children and brain to alcohol.

There are so many negative results of drug abuse that it is a wonder that the problem persists in society. Drug abuse can refer to any type of substance abuse. Some substances are legally obtainable, others are available only on prescription and many are completely illegal. You may be worried that a friend or family member may be abusing drugs but you are not sure what to look for. Do not ignore your hunch. If you perceive changes in the person's health or behavior that the person themselves is reluctant to explain then you have good enough reason to suspect drug abuse. One of the first results of drug abuse is the appearance of drug paraphernalia in or around the person's possession. Look out for needles, glasses and mirrors used for snorting, cigarette papers, blackened spoons used for heating substances, empty solvent canisters etc. These items can often be found in the trash.

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