Linux Poker Guide - 3 Easy Steps To Play Poker Online On Linux Operating Systems

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What is Linux Poker?

"Linux Poker identifies playing on-line poker games via the computers using Linux operating system. "

Can A Linux User Play Poker Online?

Players who have Linux operating systems on their computers have many options to play online poker online. But here will talk about three of the most popular ways:

1) Find an "Instant Play" or "No Download" Linux Poker Site

2) Install Wine on Your Computers

3) Perform a 'Dual Boot"

Just how to use these options to play poker on Linux Poker Sites?

Using An immediate Play / Java Applet / Flash Plugin:

You are able to play poker on your Linux machines by installing Java / Flash Plugin on your computers. Now you simply need to click on the "Instant Play" or "No Download" button on the home page of the poker website and commence playing your favorite online poker games instantly. Important Note: Not absolutely all the Linux Poker Sites offer the same features and functions such as the windows version have.

Installing WINE in your Linux

You can enjoy playing your favorite poker games by installing "WINE" on their Linux machines. Wine is a free of charge software program allowing Linux users to operate windows based programs on their Linux machines. Crucial Note: Even though WINE is a good option to play poker on your Linux machine but many players have seen the sound issues or lack of features. But you don't need to worry, an alternative of Instant Play / Java Applet / Flash Plugin is always there.

Dual Booting Your Linux Machine

Another option of playing poker on your Linux is to execute a dual boot, through which you operate both windows and Linux on a single operating system, although not at the same time. Important Note: Loss in files is the biggest drawback of dual booting. Hence, we recommend you to take back up of your personal computer before that way.

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