IPhone 11 Pro s Camera Makes The Scottish Highlands Look Unreal

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Brita's smart pitcher is $20 more than an identical Brita pitcher with no smarts to speak of, so the question here is whether or not that Amazon Dash integration is worth the extra 20 bucks. In theory, it's a useful bit of automation -- especially if you already buy replacement filters on the regular. In practice, it isn't all that precise, and more than anything seems designed to get people to buy new filters more often than they would out of habit alone. It certainly isn't something that anyone needs, but it might make a decent gift for a friend who's picky about filtered water.

id="cnetReview" section="rvwBody"> For $45, the Wi-Fi-equipped Brita Infinity pitcher promises to keep track of how much water is passing through the filter. Once the filter is about spent, it'll go ahead and automatically order a replacement from Amazon that'll arrive at your doorstep just when you need it.

Ozeri digital scale
Amazon If you've got the pour over and the kettle, and you're committed to seeing this brew process through to the end, then take the red pill and get yourself a kitchen scale, too. This digital kitchen scale will help you achieve the ideal ratio of beans to hot water, so that you don't end up with a coffee that is too bitter or too weak.

$15 at Amazon Pour-over coffee
If you've never tried pour-over coffee, either at a local coffee shop or at home, prepare for a completely different world of coffee. Pour over methods release layers of flavor you never knew coffee could have: fruity, chocolatey, earthy, floral, juicy -- coffee drinks can taste like all of these and more without going to the coffee shop. At home, try brewing with one of these, which each require their own type of paper filter. You'll add a little extra time to your coffee ritual, but you will be rewarded with a cup of piping hot coffee that will have you savoring every precious drop of flavor.

Tyler Lizenby/CNET 1. Empty and clean the dustbin often
Most robot vacuum makers say you should empty their robots' dustbins after each cleaning session. Both iRobot and Neato suggest this for their Roomba and Botvac models. iRobot even tells you to rinse robot bins with warm water, then to let it air dry.

Andrew Hoyle/CNET My main stop for the day was a hike up to a rocky outcrop on the mountain Stac Pollaidh. The drive to get there wasn't my favorite, but eventually I squeezed the car into the small car park at the bottom of the trail.

These shots I pulled were balanced though, with an extraction of 18.6%. The test beans I use are the same variety I employ for standard coffee makers -- Costco Kirkland Colombian. It's a medium dark roast, suitable for brewing espresso as well.    

Tyler Lizenby/CNET 3. Clear the brushes and wheels
On any robot vacuum, the first surfaces to come into contact with floor-borne dirt are its wheels and brushes. Dust and debris builds up around them as they rotate. Items such as string and hair are particularly challenging to these spinning parts. Remove them regularly to check if any of the troublesome objects have become wrapped around your robot's brushes and wheels.

I'd never been to the area so I didn't know where I was going or what I'd find. But I started hearing sounds of rushing water so I figured there'd be a waterfall of some kind ahead that could lend itself well to a photo. Walking quickly, I knew time was against me (I'd gone about a half mile and hadn't seen anything to shoot). It was about 4 p.m. by this point and the sun was starting to set, which meant that some nice golden light began to cast across the nearby mountains. 

It was a lot of effort to both find this location and travel to it, but I'm glad I did. I like the rocks in the foreground and how they form leading lines that point towards the boat. My timing wasn't great though; the sun was positioned almost on top of the boat, making it fall almost completely into shadow. I had to do a lot of exposure recovery in Lightroom to get this final image. 

I headed further north, around more sweeping roads and across stunning moorland. Despite the weather, I kept my eye out for locations that made for good landscapes or for good locations in which I could take some photographs of the car itself. A few miles along the route, I found a spot that worked well for the latter. In case you loved this article and you would love to receive more details regarding Http://Demo.Sparta.Vps-Private.Net/Blog/Combining-Home-Improvement-Projects-41 generously visit our internet site.  

I wanted to get a shot of the car in action, driving on a road. To achieve this, I rigged my iPhone 11 Pro to the back of my mum's VW Polo (below) and I drove behind her. I had a Bluetooth camera trigger in my hand that let me fire off endless frames, hoping to catch just the right angle. This shot is the best of the bunch and even then, it's not particularly sharp. The lack of motion blur from the road also makes it look like the car was simply parked on the tarmac.

Burr coffee grinder
Amazon The simplest and most effective change you can make to your coffee routine, regardless of how you brew, is to grind your own coffee beans. Conical burr grinders allow for more control over the grain size of your ground coffee than more common metal blade grinders. Something like this electric burr coffee grinder lets you easily switch between coarsely ground coffee and finely ground coffee, unleashing the flavor inside of whole beans for whichever brew method you choose.

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