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Revisión a fecha de 05:50 6 feb 2020; MicaelaSilvey9 (Discusión | contribuciones)
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Specific strengths of the current study include the well‐characterised nature of the patient cohort, as the diagnosis of DLB was made by two highly experienced clinicians, and neuropathological confirmation for the diagnosis was available for nine participants. Limitations of the current study include the associative nature of the findings and the lack of objective sleep data in this group of patients, as the data were cross‐sectional. Conclusions: In narcoleptic patients, modafinil in comparison with placebo is effective in the treatment of excessive daytime sleepiness, but not cataplexy. The targeted events for which causality assessments were undertaken confirmed the potential of modafinil to induce certain types of events in individual patients, including cardiac and psychiatric events. There are other potential positive effects of modafinil. People without ADHD symptoms that take Adderall may experience an intense rush, resulting in increased energy and self-confidence. This research would address whether modafinil improves recovery, wellbeing, negative symptoms of schizophrenia, psychopathology, progress in therapy, and body mass index; and whether any improvements are sustained beyond the period of prescription.

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