We The People And Unlawful Immigration

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Don't knuckle under folks. AND FOR THE RECORD, AFTER we fence the border and cease the flood of NEW illegals, I am 100% for a path to citizenship for all NON-FELON illegals here at the moment. Gee, that really proves me a hater, now don't it? Some of you folks are so lame and transparent to boot. If you have any queries concerning the place and how to use Immigration Attorney California, you can make contact with us at our own web site. You're not a third as smart as you think you are, or if you are you sure have a funny way of showing it.

Illegal aliens have captivated the nation with their tales of woe. The heart rending splitting up of families. The worries of kids whose college education may be wasted. The visa abusers who got used to the good life and refuse to go back to their own countries. They all claim they are entitled to citizenship just because.

Obama and his sycophants position him as if he's just so noble he is going to right all the wrongs, and to hear him tell it now and in his campaign, there is far more wrong than right in the USA. He is so arrogant that five days before the election he informed us "we are five days away from fundamentally transforming America," and he was telling the truth for one of the few times in his campaign.

I watched the value of my home double over a year. This was enlightening, especially due to the drop in real estate values during the same time period. According to all the vendors trying to persuade me to take out a home equity loan, my little 1,300-square-foot townhouse must have morphed into a McMansion without my noticing it. Finding out about my new increased net worth was an upper.

He wants to close off our southern border completely, enforce all of the standing illegal Immigration California and end the current game of catch and release. He even wants to make English the country's official language.

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