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Let the mud dry, so that it will be easier to scrape off (your shoes). „рный день; The shopkeeper saved a pound of my special cheese for me. Let's all go to the airport to send Jim off. Many women refuse to settle for staying at home. The chairman stopped speaking to allow time for the meaning of his remark to seep in. The boy's education has set me back more than $3000. If you children don't behave properly, I will send you out (of the classroom). Mother has sallied forth to the sales again. 1) подпись; to bear the signature (of) - быть подписанным (кем-л.); over the signature - за подписью 2) typ Please go upstairs and settle the children down. The building will be signed over to its new owners on Monday. I'd like to slip away before the end of the meeting. You'll never slip that old trick over our chairman, he knows too much.

выполнять (обяза- тельство) 5) убеждать (of - в; that); рассеивать сомнения; to satisfy oneself - убедиться; I am satisfied that - я больше не сомневаюсь, что; What else can I do to satisfy the police of my honesty? noun 1) спасение 2) экономия, сбережение; at a saving - с выгодой 3) pl. 1) удовлетворение (at, https://shopvashtextil.com.ua/catalog/index/103-rasprodazha with); to the satisfaction of smb. 2) салютовать; The Queen's birthday was saluted with twenty-one guns. насыщать, сатурировать 3) насы- щать; The market was saturated with the fruit. 1) спасительный; the saving grace of humour - спасительная сила юмора 2) бережливый, экономный 3) содержащий оговорку; saving clause - статья, содержащая оговорку 2. I'll set my dog on you if you don't leave at once! Don't try to skate round the question by changing the subject. How can we salvage the firm from complete failure? Don't argue with me in front of our guests, it shows me up 1) приветствовать, здороваться; He saluted his new wife with a gentle kiss. исключая, кроме - saving your presence 5.

1) истощенный, использованный; spent bullet - пуля на излете; spent steam - отработанный пар; the night is far spent poet. The councillor was asked to speak to the crowd, to beg them to remain calm. I shall ask your father to speak with you when he comes home. The dying man spat out a curse upon his murderer. 1) пищать; пропищать (тж. squeak out); She squeaked out a cry of fear as the mouse ran across the floor. Many new things found useful in the home have spun off from the machinery of space travel. He has some bottles of beer stashed away where his wife won't discover them. 3) произносить речь, выступать (на собрании); speak to the subject! 1) брызгать слюной; плеваться; делать кляксы (о пере) 2) шипеть, трещать (об огне, жире и т. sputter out); At last the candle sputtered out, the wax getting in the flame and making noises. 1) играть, веселиться, резвиться; развлекаться (with); You can see the big sea animals in the water, sporting with their young ones

For years he has been smuggling watches through customs. I see the same through your glasses as I do through mine - в ва- ших очках я вижу так же, как и в своих - all the same - just the same II 1. noun 1) дым, копоть 2) курение; to have a smoke - покурить 3) coll. Some people are unable to see beyond how to get enough food for the day. 4) из- бавлять (от чего-л.); you have saved me trouble - вы избавили меня от хлопот 5) отбивать нападение (в футболе) - save up to save one's pocket - не тратить лишнего to save one's breath - промолчать, https://shopvashtextil.com.ua не тратить лишних слов Syn: deliver, ransom, redeem, rescue see conserve Ant: destroy, harm, lose, sentence 2. noun предотвращение прорыва (в футболе, крикете) 3. We'll have to sandwich the meeting (in) between lunch and the opening ceremony. The new buildings have only been sketched out so far.

noun 1) запасная часть (машины) 2) запасная шина 3) sport запасной игрок 2. noun скос, откос 2. 6) доля, участие (в прибыли и т. п.) 2) нуждающий- ся в постоянной опеке и помощи; находящийся на государственной дотации (об от- расли промышленности) 3) amer.; coll. 1) получающий пищу с ложки (о больном и т. noun растяжение связок 2. noun выставление напоказ, хвастовство (особ. spice up); It will spice up the party if we bring in some unlawful drugs. Mother, please don't stand over me while I'm cooking, you make me nervous. noun 1) штат служащих; служебный персонал; личный состав; кадры; to be on the staff - быть в штате; the staff of a newspaper - сотрудни- ки газеты 2) mil Jim has spaced out and nothing he says will make sense. нивелирная рейка the staff of life - хлеб насущный II 1. 6) выставление напоказ, рисовка to make a splash - вызвать сенсацию frontpage splash - газетная сенсация 2. 2) придавать пикантность (тж.

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