IPhone 11 Pro s Camera Makes The Scottish Highlands Look Unreal

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And if you'd rather not spend that much, there are plenty of cheaper, yet just as durable, alternatives. Should you liked this article and you desire to be given more information about nose Clipper generously pay a visit to our web page. Oxo's $49 cold brewer is affordable and easy to operate, and makes excellent cold-brew coffee concentrate. Likewise, the $24 Takeya and $30 Bialetti pitchers also have prices that are easy to swallow. Traditional cold brewers like those require at least 12 hours to produce their beverages, but devotees will tell you the stuff is worth the wait.

I wanted to get a shot of the car in action, driving on a road. To achieve this, I rigged my iPhone 11 Pro to the back of my mum's VW Polo (below) and I drove behind her. I had a Bluetooth camera trigger in my hand that let me fire off endless frames, hoping to catch just the right angle. This shot is the best of the bunch and even then, it's not particularly sharp. The lack of motion blur from the road also makes it look like the car was simply parked on the tarmac.

How I rated these filtered water bottles
I considered five important criteria when using these filtered water bottles: filtering, materials, taste, ease of use and clean-up. These are all factors you should consider when looking for a filtered water bottle -- you'll want to purchase one that suits the activity you plan to use it for. 

Filtering: What filtering mechanism was used and how well did the bottle filter the water? Were there any particles left in the water after filtering? Water "after filtering" means the water that comes out of the drinking spout or straw. 

Andrew Hoyle/CNET Eventually I reached Steall waterfall. I wanted to keep a good distance to capture the entire waterfall, and I liked how the branches near me helped frame the falls. My main issue with this picture is that the sun was setting behind the mountain, meaning the falls were plunged entirely into shadow. As a result, it's a bit flat and lifeless. I'd love to return at sunrise when the morning light would light this up beautifully.

Andrew Hoyle/CNET I was making good progress on my long drive despite the abysmal weather conditions. Unfortunately, the traffic became more congested, especially around Loch Ness. Given its fame as the home of the supposed monster Nessie, it's no surprise that the road around it was inundated with coach tours and sight-seers driving 20 mph in a 60 zone.

Gourmia Cold Brew Coffee Maker
Need your tall glass of cold brew fast? Then the $109 Gourmia Cold Brew Coffee Maker is right up your alley. The vacuum pump-powered electric appliance can brew your beverage in 4 minutes flat. That's a ridiculously short time to create and pour cold brew in, but as you might expect, the taste of those 4-minute brews is weak. Fortunately, maxing the brew time out to 15 minutes produces a much stronger drink. And that's still not long to wait compared with the 12 hours of steeping that cold brewing usually takes.

Tyler Lizenby/CNET 3. Clear the brushes and wheels
On any robot vacuum, the first surfaces to come into contact with floor-borne dirt are its wheels and brushes. Dust and debris builds up around them as they rotate. Items such as string and hair are particularly challenging to these spinning parts. Remove them regularly to check if any of the troublesome objects have become wrapped around your robot's brushes and wheels.

AeroPress coffee and espresso maker
Amazon There are still other methods for brewing coffee -- and one of these is done via the wonderful AeroPress. Using these circular coffee filters, the AeroPress is small and lightweight, making it perfect for packing in your carry-on. It's kind of like the next step after the French press, creating a smoother cup of coffee by way of pushing the coffee through a paper filter. And, cleanup is even easier -- you're left with a puck-shaped cake of coffee grounds that you simply push into the trash (or into your compost bin) and then a quick rinse of the AeroPress sets you up for the next cup.

Ozeri digital scale
Amazon If you've got the pour over and the kettle, and you're committed to seeing this brew process through to the end, then take the red pill and get yourself a kitchen scale, too. This digital kitchen scale will help you achieve the ideal ratio of beans to hot water, so that you don't end up with a coffee that is too bitter or too weak.

$43 at Amazon Gooseneck pour-over kettle
Amazon For pour-over coffee methods, you'll want a good gooseneck kettle. Heat up cold water in something like this kettle, and the narrow spout will give you the control you need to distribute hot water over your coffee grounds (or tea), first to help "bloom" the coffee grounds, and then to evenly "pour over" the rest of the water.

Burr coffee grinder
Amazon The simplest and most effective change you can make to your coffee routine, regardless of how you brew, is to grind your own coffee beans. Conical burr grinders allow for more control over the grain size of your ground coffee than more common metal blade grinders. Something like this electric burr coffee grinder lets you easily switch between coarsely ground coffee and finely ground coffee, unleashing the flavor inside of whole beans for whichever brew method you choose.

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