Why You Should Buy A Shower Filter For Better Skin And Shinier Hair

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Thrifty Fun It's not just the minerals and metals in water that dry out your skin. Anyone who's spent time in a chlorinated pool knows how the chemical seems to draw all the moisture out from your body, leaving you with red skin and crunchy hair. The residual chlorine in shower water can create the same problems on a much smaller scale, leaving you with skin that just can't get quite as soft as you'd like. Keep in mind that the chlorine in water is hard to remove, so you'll want to make sure the filter you buy is capable of removing it.

$65 at Amazon QwenchPure KDF-55 shower filter
For filtering heavy metals
QwenchPure KDF filters are made out of copper and zinc, two elements that create a small electrical-chemical charge between them. While it may seem counterintuitive to put more metal in your shower, a KDF filter is great for dissolving mercury, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum, and even chlorine. You won't notice the electric charge in your shower, but the heavy metals sure will. This one too can be installed with any shower head, and will get rid of a lot of the hardness in your water.

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Lastly, I try my hand at frothing milk with each coffee machine equipped with a steam wand. I record the overall experience with the steam wand, whether the process is a snap, a tricky chore or somewhere in between.

$256 at Amazon PS: The Beans
All these gadgets will help you make a better cup of coffee, certainly, but to achieve a truly great brew, you have to start with a strong foundation: the beans! When purchasing a bag of beans, look for a roast date within the last few weeks or sooner. Freshly roasted beans will get you the most flavor and keep your coffee fresh. A local coffee roaster will be your best bet but there are online options, too. Bags of Intelligentsia coffee smell amazing and give you a preview of the flavors you'll get in your brewed coffee, and some brands of coffee will even benefit a charity, as with Grounds it won't taste quite like the espresso you're used to from the barista at your local coffee shop or cafe. That's not inherently bad -- it's just not really espresso.

Of course, you can also drop as little as $100, if you're willing to settle for a mediocre espresso, but I urge you not to pounce on products that cost less, especially if you plan on drinking espresso regularly. They may seem like a bargain at first blush, but they're often a waste of money and counter space, too. 

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