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They also compete directly for lemmings and other prey with several predators, including rough legged hawks, golden eagles, peregrine falcons, gyrfalcons, jaegers, glaucous gulls, short eared owls, great horned owls, Eurasian eagle owls, common ravens, wolves, Arctic foxes, and ermine. They are normally dominant over other raptors although may (sometimes fatally) lose in conflicts to large raptors such as other Bubo owls, golden eagles and the smaller but much faster peregrine falcons. Some species nesting near snowy owl nests, such as the snow goose, seem to benefit from the incidental protection of snowy owls that drive competing predators out of the area.[19]Snowy owls are not known to interbreed with other owl species in the wild, and accordingly no hybrids of snowy owls and other owl species have yet been sighted in the wild.

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