Highest Paying Psychology Careers

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I share these facts as a reminder that many of the ills our culture is facing right now are byproducts of problematic socialization, and thus can be repaired. We are a culture that has lost sight of our shared humanity and all of the ways that we are connected to one another.
Maybe a little science can help us recognize all the ways we are being led astray, and bring us back to some basic truths. Whether it is prescription or recreational drugs we are getting on the streets, there is an epidemic of addiction right now in our culture. Not only are there many factors that affect human behavior that are themselves in turn enormously complicated, but those factors can interact with each other, and some overwrite others. We are still understanding the complexity of all the factors that affect human behavior AND our science is still in its infancy, so it will be a while before we have reliable "laws" and predictions of human behavior.
Whether you want an overview of the field, Talent or you’re driven to pursue a degree that’s tailored to your needs, here are some things every prospective psychology student should know before diving into this fascinating field. For instance, if you decide that you want to know how Psychologists treat patients, you will want to focus on learning about clinical psychology. Or if you decide that you'd like to know about human interaction, you will want to learn about social psychology.
If you experience any of these symptoms for a prolonged period of time, you should consult a doctor. Romantic love also activates areas in the brain, primarily the insula, associated with motivation to acquire a reward, gives value to certain pleasurable, life-sustaining human activities. Essentially, the theory is that our brain creates this sense of euphoria (i.e. love) in order to ensure the continuation of our species. For example, a modern psychology career could be completely researched-based and non-public facing, or it could be as a family counselor who works with people of all ages each day. Here are some of the common careers people enjoy after they’ve earned their bachelors of science in psychology.
University psychology teachers earn $85,320 per year on average, while junior college psychology teachers earn $84,280. However, psychology professors at top universities and research institutions earn starting salaries of about $110,000. Psychology teachers at high schools are less common and earn about $60,000 per year. Psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in diagnosing and treating mental illnesses and disorders.

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