International Artisan Group provides Florida home design services

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International Artisan Group is a company owned and run by artist Kim Goins Kosek, a graduate of the University of Cincinnati and A.C.A College of Design, and Alex Kosek. Kim and Alex are well respected and regarded Fort Myers artists, creating unique interiors for home owners in Florida. International Artisan Group deals with both residential and commercial clients and, although the company specializes in Florida home design, it also handles projects that involve schools, restaurants and medical centers. The company also provides a wide range of services, whether is commercial work or a residential project, Naples artist Kim Goins Kosek being fully licensed and insured for various works, from faux finishes, murals, trompe l’oeil, decorative and ceiling art, furniture and cabinets paintings and more. International Artisan Group provides clients with useful information about the durability and benefits of their work on the company’s website, where clients can also find details about the price and duration of the company’s services.

International Artisan Group offers a different type of Florida interior design, one that is focused on walls and ceilings, although the Fort Myers artist also paints furniture and cabinets. For clients interested in what a wall finish or a faux finish looks like, the company provides a wide range of photographs and even videos on their website. The company’s site is well structured and easy to navigate, presenting their portfolio at full extent, from previous commercial work and murals to wall paintings for children’s room and trompe l’oeil projects, as well as hand painted columns, trim, molding and wood panel painting and ceiling art. International Artisan Group also provides images of before & after projects, so that clients can better understand the results and effects of the work done by the Naples artist. All those interested in this type of Florida home design are encouraged to contact the company and discuss the details of their projects with the team of artists and designers, as International Artisan Group does custom projects as well, being opened to the vision and ideas of any client.

Apart from wall and ceiling art, which are the main focus of the Fort Myers artists Kim Goins Kosek and Alex Kosek, the Florida home design company also provides canvas works, both canvas mural paintings and multiple piece canvas paintings. Faux finishes, mural walls and ceiling paintings, as well as furniture and cabinets paintings can transform any room and any house, as well as also have a positive impact for patients in a medical center or for kids in a school, being a more and more popular form of Florida interior design services. Naples artist Kim Goins Kosek comes to respond to this great market demand, offering a large array of services and working wit both residential and commercial clients, as well as both indoor and outdoor spaces.

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