Lady Gaga: Americano Debut In Mexico Metropolis Attacks Az Immigration Bill

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66. The Austrian school of economic thought says each and every time there is a mania with credit inflation at the root there will be a big crash. Every darn time! Credit inflation, fractional reserve banking and fiat/paper money) are the cause of deflation. Deflation is the bitter cure for government and the populace living beyond their means by borrowing. Credit deflation happening now!

Collectable items, antiques, art and possessions in general loosing value. Lower prices when people try to sell. They feel less wealthy and cannot buy as many necessities. There will be many bargains in all kinds of property and possessions at the bottom as people sell assets to stay afloat. Antiques Roadshow on TV is seeing a 30 percent drop in some prices and their estimates of value range has widened greatly. I expect it to go off the air in the next several years. John Lennon's white suit recently sold at a 50% drop.

KING: I'm going to call a time-out here because I promised both of you we're going to spend extended time trying to get some answers about both of your companies. Your company -- your bank and your health care company. I want to ask one more question on another issue before we take our first break of the debate. You have said Mr. Rick Scott that you think Florida should essentially copy Arizona. Look at the Immigration Arizona and come up with some version that fits Florida, and you have said you oppose amnesty.

Of course, Social Security isn't the only benefit illegal immigrants offer us. They also buy food and gas and clothes. They rent apartments and houses. All from American citizens. Can that really be so horrid? It's also quite possible they could give a stranger a helping hand, intervene in a crime or volunteer to clean up the beach on Earth Day. What's the harm there? Would it really be so destructive to our country to allow ambitious, determined, resourceful and productive people into our ranks? Isn't that, even more than capitalism, the foundation of our country?

KING: Miss Alex Sink, I'm going to give you time to respond then we'll take our first break. We'll continue the conversation. But do you have a substantive disagreement with what he just said about having an Arizona-style law and then enforcing businesses and keeping watch? Do you disagree with what he just said?

For those who are not familiar, the Manchurian Candidate was a movie from the 1960's. The premise is the North Koreans brainwashed an American soldier and used him as a living time bomb. On the signal from his master's the "candidate" would put into play their program to seize power in the United States. Barack Obama is turning out to be the Manchurian Candidate.

67. Banking "Transparency" UK banks, HBC and Lloyds, are joining a worldwide trend toward more transparency or increased regulation and oversight. Every country's currency supply is created through loans, fractional reserve banking or government bonds. So, the more regulations, the harder it is to get a loan, and the more scrutiny on banks - the more deflation grows as lending slows.

The coming stock market losses will make people feel poorer so they don't spend. Pension and retirement accounts lose money on stock and bond investments hurting ability to pay those retiring. 90% drop predicted. In a secular bear market with a bear market rally (B wave) rally topping in the first months of 2011. 13 year head and shoulders top formation. If you draw a line connecting the bottoms of the index moves you get a straight line pointing down to the right. If you have any issues with regards to where and how to use, you can speak to us at our own site. This is a bearish technical chart pattern called a declining neckline.

Based on all the foregoing points these people are either too inept or too morally bankrupt and bereft of honor on which the American political system has always operated to lead a Cub Scout Troop, much less the greatest nation on Earth. I would say I am ashamed of them, but that goes without saying. Get rid of these foul persons whose agenda is about as un-American as anything the USSR ever wanted for the US, but then again, when we know the Communist Goals for the US, the progressives and the Commies had the nearly IDENTICAL goals for the future of America! Nice!

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