Medical Equestrian Association

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Body protectors are foam filled vests designed to cut back the risk of harm to the higher physique of the rider. Testing procedures suggest that the force of impact transmitted to the body shall be decreased from falls on flat surfaces as well as there being some protection towards sharper or angular objects including horse hoofs!

Although they have sent their own horses to the slaughterhouse, they have not eaten the meat. Wisker believes slaughtering horses is a more humane loss of life than by injection, Ventajas de las herraduras de goma which was Falco’s fate after a stroke left him paralysed. "The drugs can take a very long time to take effect, and a few horses battle it," she says. While Ireland doesn’t have a tradition of eating horse, an estimated €5.7 million was made final yr from exported Irish horsemeat for human consumption, primarily to Belgium and France.

Do consider applying fly repellent around the face below the mask through the worst of the fly season, for extra safety. Riding in Fly Season? Riding-model fly masks are a beautiful innovation. They're easier to your horse to see by means of than an ordinary mask, so don't compromise his imaginative and prescient throughout riding. They're typically not as sturdy as a daily mask, however, so aren't meant to be left on while your horse is turned out.

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