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Can retinol be used in the morning? Most people only apply their retinol at night because it makes the skin more sensitive to light. " Retinol can actually be used both during the day and at night," explains Dr. Emer, "especially if you are using it in combination with other ingredients to lighten brown spots.
What does Renova do for your skin? Renova (tretinoin) is a form of vitamin A that helps the skin renew itself. Renova Cream will help treat, but will not "cure" fine wrinkles, spotty skin discoloration, and rough feeling skin. It will not eliminate wrinkles or repair sun-damaged skin.
How long does folliculitis last untreated? Pseudomonas folliculitis. Symptoms usually appear within 72 hours of exposure and are most prevalent on the areas of the body covered by a swimsuit or on the back of the legs. Minor symptoms can resolve without treatment within 5 days.
Should you pop a whitehead? It's tempting, but popping or squeezing a pimple won't necessarily get rid of the problem. Squeezing can push bacteria and pus deeper into the skin, which might cause more swelling and redness. Squeezing also can lead to scabs and might leave you with permanent pits or scars.
What is the best acne treatment on the market? How to Handle It: Your best bet is benzoyl peroxide. "Benzoyl peroxide can kill acne -causing bacteria and reduce inflammation," says Zeichner. Try a cream like the La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo Dual-Action Acne Treatment ($37), which also exfoliates with lipo-hydroxy acid.
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