Modafinil For Anxiety Attack Disorder Social Anxiety Treatment

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Although these drugs are usually effective in people with narcolepsy, they also produce some undesirable side effects and so must be carefully monitored. Strong emotions such as excitement or laughter, anger, fear or even stress can all produce a cataplexic episode. Narcolepsy is a chronic disease that results from a defect in brain cells that produce hypocretin, a neurotransmitter that controls sleep. Persistent interruptions in sleep can lead to an incomplete night of sleep leaving those affected extremely exhausted. I don't know how long. You can talk to your doctor regarding the medicine and its working pattern to know more. As we all know most pharmaceutical drugs are never perfect and Modafinil is no exception. Over the past decade, researches have had some groundbreaking discoveries when it comes to narcolepsy treatment, which are described below.

More research is needed to prove modafinil’s effects on larger numbers of individuals. In case you loved this post and you would like to receive details relating to modafinil user reviews - kinozal-kino.Ru, kindly visit our own web site. Even though the current research and treatment options are imperfect, this life-long, disabling disease can be put under control. Venlafaxine (Effexor) has properties similar to the SSRIs and is also sometimes used to treat the symptoms of narcolepsy. Modafinil helps to treat narcolepsy inititially. In one trial, no one developed dependence on the drug after up to nine weeks of daily use.

Some evidence suggests that taking it along with Ritalin may help prevent cataplexy attacks and does not appear to have any harmful interactions. Let’s be honest; it can take forever to get diagnosed with narcolepsy. Currently I take 80mgs a day divided into four 20mg doses. Treatments for narcolepsy are individualized depending on the severity of the symptoms, and it may take weeks or months for an optimal regimen to be worked out.

Let’s find out how Modafinil works for you. Electrodes applied to the head record brain wave activity as the person goes into and out of different stages of sleep. Other electrodes record eye movements, existence of snoring, breathing patterns and muscle activity that may occur while the person sleeps. While most of the electrodes and wires from the previous night are removed, those recording brain wave activity remain to determine sleep onset. Narcolepsy can be extremely debilitating; it can also lead to serious accidents if you fall asleep or lose muscle control while driving or walking down stairs.

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