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You should have a weekly or bi-weekly cabinet cleaning schedule. These dark spaces, full of hiding places, are a great home for pests. Use an environmental, non-toxic pesticide in the corners and joins of the wood each season. Always be watchful for signs of potential infestation that will need to be dealt with.

Check your home for moist areas in the structure if you have carpenter ants exterminators. Carpenter ants are very attracted to moisture, so if you begin to have a problem with them, chances are that you have a leak somewhere. Once you find and solve that problem, the carpenter ants will move on naturally.

Be very careful if employing poisonous pest control traps, especially the variety designed to kill ants. These traps contain poisoned food that ants exterminators bring to the queen who will consume it and hopefully die. However, the main ingredient of this poison is peanut butter which pets might enjoy, so keep them away from the traps.

Carpenter ants exterminators are attracted to damp wood; therefore, if you notice an increase in carpenter ants, check your pipes and roof for leaks. Once you have found where your problem is located, fix the leak and replace the wood to help quickly rid your home of carpenter ants. You may also want to call in a pest-control expert to treat your home.

By following this advice, you will be able to rid your home of pests and sleep well once again. Using these tips can help you take your house back. It may take some time, but soon you will not hear a single scurry in your ceiling above, and you will be able to sleep well.

If you are being bothered with mice and rats, it is time to set traps. Most rodents are attracted to peanut butter. Take a small bit of peanut butter and roll it into a tiny ball and place it on a mouse trap to tantalize rodents with the scent.

You cannot afford to waste any time once you find out your home is infested. Put your valuable belongings in safe places and call an exterminator as soon as possible. If the exterminator you called cannot come to your home within the next couple of days, keep looking for another available professional.

Be sure the screens in your home are in good repair to keep out flying pests. Screens are effective at keeping out both flying and crawling pests. Fix any holes you find and replace the screens if they are damaged.

Try to limit the amount of warm environments that you have in your house. Go around to different rooms in your home and try to gauge the temperature where the pests would want to live in the most. If you find a room that is too hot, try to reduce the overall temperature there.

If you're a pet owner, your pets may be the reason pests keep coming back. Take the time to keep your pet's food bowls clean. If any water from their dish is spilled, wipe it up immediately. Store pet food in plastic containers rather than the paper bags they come in. All these things can attract bugs.

Having mice in your home can be a real turn off, not mentioning they carry diseases. In order to exterminate mice in a family-friendly way, use disposable mouse traps. Line the mouse traps with peanut butter to attract mice. After the mouse takes the bait, the mouse trap should slam shut, and you can safely dispose.

Before you decide to rid your home of pests you should consider the moral implications. For example, if you have a mouse problem you may want a method that just removes them, but does not kill them. These days most exterminators offer this to their customers, but it may be somewhat more expensive.

Get rid of silverfish in your home by using aromatic spices. Spices such as clove, bay leaves or sage are often able to ward off silverfish. Sew these spices into small sachets. Display them in areas where your home is most likely susceptible to silverfish. Such areas include your bathroom, damp areas of your kitchen or behind the washer and dryer.

Mint will repel mice and other pest as well. A group of plants situated along your home's foundation will repel them. When you do this, mice won't want to live there. Place mint leaves around any known area that is begin overrun by rodents. While this will usually do, make sure the mint leaves are fresh.

If you are trying to get rid of pests in your home, you should think carefully if you have children and/or pets. Many of the chemicals that are in pesticides can be harmful to them. Get them out of the house for a few hours if you have no other choice.

Pesticides are very efficient but these products are harmful for the environment. If possible, use cleaner methods to get rid of your pest. A lot of home remedies work and there are some efficient products on the market that contain a low amount of chemicals. This is the best approach if you have pets or young children in your home.

You should regularly inspect the plumbing of your home and make sure you do not leave any traces of water, for instance under the pots you use for your plants or on your kitchen counter. Humidity can lead to a fungus infestation and leaks will provide pest with the water needed to survive.

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