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How many birth control pills are in a Plan B? It is a one-dose regimen: you take one pill. The pill contains 1.5 milligrams of levonorgestrel, which is used in lower doses in many birth control pills.
What counts as severe diarrhea? Severe diarrhea means having more than 10 loose, watery stools in a single day (24 hours). Moderate diarrhea means having more than a few but not more than 10 diarrhea stools in a day. Mild diarrhea means having a few diarrhea stools in a day.
How do you treat hormonal acne naturally? Below are 13 home remedies for acne that you might want to try. Apply Apple Cider Vinegar. Take a Zinc Supplement. 3. Make a Honey and Cinnamon Mask. Spot Treat With Tea Tree Oil. Apply Green Tea to Your Skin. Apply Witch Hazel. Moisturize With Aloe Vera. Take a Fish Oil Supplement.
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