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Can pots come on suddenly? You can develop PoTS suddenly, or it can begin gradually. You can sometimes get symptoms almost immediately, or a few minutes after sitting up or standing. Lying down may relieve some of the symptoms.
What can mimic pots? A pheochromocytoma can mimic POTS (or vice versa) because of the paroxysms of hyperadrenergic symptoms including palpitation, although pheochromocytoma patients are more likely to have these symptoms while supine than POTS patients. Plasma or urinary metanephrines 22 can screen for pheochromocytoma.
In Ts May 17 Travel Issue, four writers retrace the land routes of ancient explorers, looking at food, religion, art, poetry and silk-making. The case may be joined by state attorneys general in what would be one of the biggest antitrust actions by the United States since the late 1990s. The Spanish striker Aritz Aduriz seemed to have been given the perfect way to say goodbye to his 20-year career. Then the pandemic struck, and now he may just fade to black. Dr Mike Gil is a research fellow at the University of California, but also, perhaps not surprisingly, a National Geographic Explorer. He told MailOnline Travel about his epic adventures. Customers in a Maryland restaurant get their take-out food surrounded by inflatable tubes to encourage social distancing.


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