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Is generic Tamiflu as good as Tamiflu? Oseltamivir, the generic for Tamiflu, is used to treat and prevent the flu—specifically, to treat influenza types A and B, in patients two weeks and older who have had flu-like symptoms for 48 hours or less. For prevention, it's only recommended for anyone aged one and older.
Can I take thyroid medication while fasting? You take your meds at the wrong time. Taking it with or too soon before or after a meal or snack could reduce absorption to 64%, from a high of 80% when you're fasting, according to the American Thyroid Association (ATA). Just changing your timing could bring your thyroid levels back into a normal range.
Can you ever stop thyroid medication? Do not stop taking the medication even if you feel better. Do not take your thyroid medication at the same time as fiber supplements, calcium, iron, multivitamins, or aluminum hydroxide antacids or any medications that bind bile acids. Take your thyroid medication and these medications at least 4 hours apart.


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