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What foods can trigger vertigo? These conditions involve the inner ear and can affect your balance. Trigger foods may include those with a high salt content, alcohol, and foods known to trigger migraines. Examples of foods known to cause migraine headaches include: alcohol. chocolate. milk products. foods with monosodium glutamate. pickled foods. nuts.
Is Vertigo a neurological problem? Vertigo can be caused by serious conditions, such as tumors, or conditions that are fairly benign, such the inner ear disorder Meniere's disease. The neurologists discovered that after the test people with this new condition had eye movements called nystagmus that lasted longer than for other people.
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Does Bonine make you sleepy? A: The active ingredient in Bonine is Meclizine, which helps treat nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness, without drowsiness. A: Fortunately, side effects from taking Bonine are typically minor. They may include drowsiness and/or dry mouth.
Is Cyclizine good for vertigo? Cyclizine Hydrochloride may be of value in relieving vomiting and attacks of vertigo associated with Menière's disease and other forms of vestibular disturbance. To prevent motion sickness Cyclizine Hydrochloride should be taken about one to two hours before departure.


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