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YouTubers bent the barrel of an F1 Assault Rifle 180-degrees to see if a bullet would follow the curved path and shoot our backwards. The test was successful, as the bullet smashed the sight. Many of Asia's biggest cities owe their skylines to long bamboo poles that allow construction workers to climb to great heights. Iranian authorities will allow an Australian ambassador to meet Kylie Moore-Gilbert, a British-Australian university lecturer who was jailed for spying, according to a news agency affiliated with the country's judiciary. During his eulogy for the late Rep. John Lewis, former President Barack Obama received a standing ovation for his remarks about voting rights ahead of the 2020 election. Fiona Hardcastle and her family went on an epic trip to Thailand, taking in Bangkok and Chiang Rai province. They stayed in elegant hotels and had thrilling adventures amid lush jungle terrain. Amid no new signs of investigative developments, the president also said for the first time that he would have acted had he known about an earlier C.I.A. assessment. Along with other feminist lawyers like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Ms. Taub made legal history in cases that argued that the Constitution protected womens rights. The shocking video was uploaded to TikTok by ayresyy, who is a student at the school located in Chadstone, with the caption 'Go Melbourne. Victoria leading the way.' British revellers, who were not wearing face masks, made their return to the Punta Ballena party strip in Magaluf, Spain, shortly after 2am on Friday to begin their booze-fuelled holiday. The service analyzed messages surrounding Oscar nominees, looking at context as well as mentions, and found "Selma" would get best picture if tweets counted. Harsha Narasimhamurthy, 28, took pictures of the epic battle inRajasthan, India. Footage shows the tigers fighting on their hind legs in front of a female in Ranthambore National Park. Ed Glavin (inset), one of three executive producers who work on the highly rated talk show hosted by Ellen DeGeneres (above), is going to be fired by Warner Bros., according to The Hollywood Reporter. NASA and the European Space Agency plan to toss rocks from one spacecraft to another before the samples finally land on Earth in 2031. Five men three aid workers, a government employee and a security worker were abducted in June. A group aligned with the Islamic State is believed to be behind the killings. The House Ethics Committee ordered Representative David Schweikert, Republican of Arizona, to pay a $50,000 fine and face a reprimand by the House. Trump put Cain's death from Covid-19 down to the 'China virus' - which critics say is racist - as he started a coronavirus briefing.Cain went to the Tulsa rally and tweeted anti-mask posts before his death. Walter Ceferino Nadal died of suffocation after a police officer in Argentina knelt on his neck on June 24, according to a report from the coroner's office that was released Wednesday. The proposed 300million takeover by a Saudi Arabian-led consortium sensationally collapsed on Thursday following four months of scrutiny over piracy concerns and human rights complaints. A goal of the Tianwen-1 launch is to catch up with decades of American success on the red planet, all in one mission. The video, filmed at Martin Berasategui's three-Michelin-star Lasarte restaurant in the Spanish city, has been viewed over 900,000 times on YouTube.


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