Should You Use Virtual Assistants In Your Network Marketing Business
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When you want to grow your business and take it to the next level you may find you need help. You don't want to slow down and stop doing things because that won't allow you to go. So your next option is to hire a Virtual Assistant. She'll be able to handle both personal and business related items so you can continue to grow your business.
Only pay for the work you need, when you need it. Working with a VA allows flexibility since they work with your schedule. Whether you need a set number of hours per month or help with a seasonal project, a VA can assist you. Imagine cutting back on overtime! Outsourcing your overflow or specialized work directly to a VA is cost effective.
Avoid dashes and numbers. You want to be able to speak your domain name easily. My Virtual Hire a Virtual Assistant dot com is much easier to say (and understand) than my dash virtual dash assistant dot com. The same goes for replacing words with numbers.
As an entrepreneur, you know you excel at several things. You are really good at what you offer and there are some additional "back office" skills that you handle well too. But you are not good at every single thing, nor should you expect that of yourself.
In order to tame and keep that animal called Procrastination at bay, personal development Cd's, DVD's and books can only go so far. You have to come to a point in your life that YOU want to change and then take disciplined action until your bad habits convert to good habits. Your personal growth factor will shoot through the roof. You'll be that person who is vibrant, focused, disciplined and courageous. The results far out way the challenges you'll face in the beginning of your journey. So I encourage you to rise up for the challenge and eliminate procrastination from your life for certain.
If you are new to the subject of Virtual Assistants, you are probably asking yourself: Who are they? Well the answer varies greatly. Many are executive assistants or secretaries that have decided to go out on their own. Many are solo-shops and many are firms with several professionals assigned to your account, each performing the tasks for which he or she is best suited.
By Nancy Lynch, owner of Virtual Nancy's Business Support, provides administration and marketing support in a Global Market. With an extensive administration background and an out of box thinker, you have someone who can take your ideas and make them a reality.
Sometimes clients who have a lot of technology challenges start to feel this is a sign they are going in the wrong direction. Don't allow yourself to read the signs incorrectly or take away the wrong message.
If you are a small business owner and you don't have a large group of employees in your small business, you might find that there are times that you really need someone to help you do a lot of the things you really don't have time to mess with when you are trying to run your small office. These are things that you don't want to pawn off onto your small staff because they are already too busy. Then you might want to consider hiring a virtual assistant. Hiring someone that can work from home to do things you need done can save you money over time. And this is a good thing.
7) Contract. If you're ready to contract this person it's time to pull out the non-compete, non-disclosure contract we discussed in the last article. Send it to the virtual Hire a Virtual Assistant for review and signing. Be absolutely sure this is signed before putting him or her to work.
Even though I praise oDesk, realize they don't do All of the work for you. You'll have to do some footwork before finding your perfect VA, virtual receptionist, etc. "There's someone for everyone" - the saying goes. So what will you have to do? First, after you post your job, you'll probably get over 100 applicants within the 1st 24 hours. You can hire from this pool or, you can do a search of your own and invite qualified candidates to interview for your position. This will dramatically reduce the number of candidates you have to filter through. What criteria you search for, in either scenario, will depend on what work you want the VA to do. I'll share with you what I did below.
Define work schedules. Most likely, your virtual Personal Assistant Philippines is working in a different time zone and if this is the case, your morning is her wee hours and vice versa. It is okay if you give her a certain time plan indicating your preferred hours of working for you. Or at least identify a specific schedule to send your instructions so she can work on it promptly rather than on the next shift. If you have something urgent after the shift, you can call or send her an SMS so that she can attend to it right away.
If you hire the right assistant then you have someone who is highly concerned with the success of your business and has probably worked with other business owners within your industry. They are able to assist you in creating your goals, assessing them, and achieving them. Virtual assistants also have their own networks they are a part of. They have access to other assistants who have skills they don't have. Your virtual assistant is not only able to help you in their specific skill sets. You never want to underestimate the value of this access and support. Although you may be creative and an expert in many ways, more heads are always better than one. Imagine how far you could go when you always have fresh, new, and innovative ideas for growth from your outsourced team.