Spiritual Healing Through Ecstatic Dance Rage Rituals Flower Baths And Vulnerability Circles Might Sound Extreme To Most Of Us

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mindfullness kursus https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRZI3F0ROYfdUXw1E-lBbFz35yr91kJfaCa_vHNadyCw0yxBTAMn-tFM3OsqsNBeOwDZPPKpT91kpAA/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true. Spiritual healing through ecstatic dance, rage rituals, flower baths and vulnerability circles might sound extreme to most of us.
But for nine individuals pushed to their breaking points and disillusioned with traditional western techniques, this unique type of therapy seems to be their last chance to heal themselves.
Faced with everything from trust issues and broken marriages to childhood trauma and self-doubt, these strangers have chosen to embark on a mission of self-discovery in the jungles of Costa Rica.
Lost Resort, which premieres tomorrow Thursday July 23 on TBS, will follow the guests as they are pushed to their limits while participating in intense rituals, workshops and ceremonies.
Here we meet not only the nine cast members who will set out on this three-week transformative journey, but also the five spiritual healers who will guide them along the way. 
<div class="art-ins mol-factbox tvshowbiz" data-version="2" id="mol-ff673150-c777-11ea-bac5-5ddeedcf74c8" website the guests seeking self-discovery on Lost Resort

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