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ALEX SINK: Absolutely not. It's a private decision between a family and their medical profession. And let me add, because you -- you said that I would have an opportunity to respond to the last comment before the break. I'm sorry, John, but let's talk about these newspaper endorsements. "The Jacksonville Times"...

72. One World Government - The Anglo financial power elite (The 1500 mega rich families that control all the world's central banks - the BANKSTERS) want a one world government is the biggest story in the universe. If you enjoyed this write-up and you would such as to obtain more details pertaining to kindly visit our own page. The elite have been orchestrating a directed history - a weakening of free market capitalism (using all 71 above causes of deflation) for the last 300 years to grind the middle class into submission and global governance. They have now engineered the Greater Depression that started with the dot com mania 2000 peak and will offer one-worldism as the solution. The greater depression will last into 2016-2018 and result in a 90 percent drop in most asset prices. Gold may drop in half. Unemployment will probably exceed 35 percent.

For those who are not familiar, the Manchurian Candidate was a movie from the 1960's. The premise is the North Koreans brainwashed an American soldier and used him as a living time bomb. On the signal from his master's the "candidate" would put into play their program to seize power in the United States. Barack Obama is turning out to be the Manchurian Candidate.

I have little recollection of American president's defaming whole sectors of American's for not agreeing with them, well except of course good ol' Billy Boy, who after the OK City bombing, inferred that Limbaugh was fomenting rebellion and terrorism. The difference between Clinton's remarks and Obama's actions are that Clinton, while a progressive, was not an ideologue. He was all about Bill Clinton looking good and being liked, and when peeps got upset, he metered his tone, but not Obama.

So now Latin nations are filing legal paperwork against one of the states of this nation - Arizona, and over the Immigration Arizona which is almost a mirror image of the immigration laws in the Federal codes - the USC. Of course, since the Feds are suing a state for their mirror image law, I guess that's carte blanche for Latin countries to follow along. political leadership is sorta like Alice in Wonderland, ain't it?

How is she going to go on land and win his love in just 3 days without her beautiful voice? The moonwalk hadn't even been invented yet. And three days isn't even enough time to get pregnant. What's worse is that to become human permanently, she must receive a "kiss of true love" and not just a "kiss of sure-why-not".

The Arizona legislature knew the Tea Party was pressuring them to pass the bill and so did a lot of Arizonans. They did not want to pass it probably because they did not see anything in it for them and probably because the old guard Republican machine does not want any part of this bill. The old guard Republicans want gravy train politics where you simply do not rock the boat and collect at every corner.

Although the practice of concealing your criminal record from the U.S. border guards with a pardon is not condoned by this author, it is your choice to make and is very commonly practiced by Canadians who have the choice. Keep in mind, a pardon clears your criminal record for life, whereas an entry waiver is temporary, being granted for only 1 - 5 years at a time.

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