Top 4 Reasons Why The 301 Is Important

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Simply put, the 301 redirect code tells the search engine spiders that the page has been transferred permanently to a new location. Here are the top 4 reasons the 301 redirect of the [ www/non-www] is important.
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Leads the Robots to the Correct Address

One of the essential elements in search engine optimization is helping the indexation of a website relatively easy for search engines.

For this reason, we create the Robots.txt file as well as the XML sitemap. That is also one of the reasons why the 301 redirect of the non-www to the [ www or] visa-versa, is made, to simply allow easier indexation of your website for the search engines.

A few thought that the search engines, to which I agree, have become smarter and don't really need the redirect set up to comprehend what is happening.

Nonetheless, I firmly believe that you are rewarded in making their job easier. There are more ways to assist Google and Bing for them to know which version of the site is correct. One of which are the Webmaster Tools. However, there is nothing more telling to the search engine than the 301 redirect.
Why allow the search engines have a hard time guessing anyway?

Links to the Correct Address

There are a lot of website owners who fret about not receiving the full link juice of redirected anchor text links. Even so, I believe Kris Roadruck made a lot of good sense in his comment when he explained that, "Doing [the redirect] can certainly help would-be linkers know which is the appropriate address to make use of when linking."

There were a lot of times that I build a link for my blog or for a client of mine that I simply copy and paste the link (URL) straight out of the address bar.

If your 301 redirect isn't in place, there is certainly no way to know if you ought to build links to the [ www or] non-www version of your site. Even when you think the link juice doesn't get divided up between the different versions of a page, getting the right link right from the start is still the best and really should prove to be more beneficial.

Where Does the Link Juice Flows?

Getting the canonical available is really not enough answer to simply replace the 301.

Should you be skeptical of the link juice being passed via a 301, than I'd personally feel that you would be even more skeptical from the link juice that passes by way of a canonical tag.

The canonical creates an effective safety net overall - should you forget to redirect the /index.html or something like that to the index page, for instance.

However when it comes to the way the search engines handle a canonical, I am inclined to be equally leery as Ian Lurie. Personally think that the canonical tag is much newer to search. Don't assume all engines are treating the canonical equally. Sure Google says it is almost comparable to a 301, but that is not as same as how Bing reads it.

Quick Note About Branding

This might not relate exactly towards the topic we are discussing, but since I received some comment about it before, I was thinking of talking about the topic of branding.

Although some could possibly be right that the non-www version of the site is cleaner, ускорение индексации сайта (anchor) as well as the notion that [ www is] no longer required, I do think that keeping the [ www in] place could be more beneficial for backlink building purposes.

In a Nutshell

This is the reason why, like I said before, I copy and paste the majority of my URLs from the address bar.

Yet if it is a top level domain, plus if I am pretty confident in its spelling, ускорение индексации сайта (find out this here) I will definitely type them out. I'm so ingrained in typing the [ www to] the hyperlink, I hardly return to check if it's right or wrong.
Again link juice aside, you most likely have a better chance of getting exact links towards the site if you are using the website
Overall, the 301 is really easy to implement, that I can't understand why anyone would not use it correctly. I honestly believe that the pros of redirecting the non-www version of the site to the [ www out] weight the cons.
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